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It’s always the same.  It started when I was barely a teen, and finally when I was legally of age, I allowed myself to taste what this power I have to seduce older men, drive them insane with lust and passion, teasing them mercilessly and taking them to the edge of mutual consent before relenting and starting all over again.

Cock tease is a plate best consumed in stages.  I have older men calling me who I put on a strict regimen of sexual starvation until they cannot take it any more.  It is a game that can play out over days, and the longer it goes, the more delicious the agony.  But when orgasm denial is no longer possible and my caller has reached the very end of his self control, then allowing him to complete his masturbation is the most exciting thing for me.

I have men who after days of self denial don’t even have to touch themselves for their orgasm to erupt.  When I sense that the end of their self control is there, and finally allow them to come, often times it is my long awaited authorization that is sufficient.  I even play a game where before I allow them the final release, I instruct them to take their hands away from their swollen dick.  Then, as I gradually release my mental grip on their own cock, my words serving as a physical manifestation of their own masturbation, I can sense the moment when