Cheap Phone Sex – A concept that aligns itself neatly with our nation’s current financial predicaments. We all know about the tough economy. Folks across the nation are hurting and are having to reign in on their expenses. Unlike our government where spending seems to be the modus operandi of the day, we, the citizens are paying attention to what we need to spend our hard earned money on. Because of this, in the phone sex industry, many phone sex lines owners have as a result had to re-align their phone sex rates so that callers would not need to pay them over the odds, and whilst I applaud my competitors for going for cheaper, I have been offering Cheap Phone Sex from the beginning. The difference is that because I have setup shop that way, (to offer affordable phone sex calls at a rates people can actually pay) I have never had to compromise on the quality of the calls I provide my callers. When you call my cheap sex lines, you absolutely know that you will get the best possible service from my girls. Quality at a price you can afford. How many of my so called cheap phone sex competitors can actually boast the same?
The problem with offering something CHEAP (or cheaper than the competition) is that often times the quality of the product or service being offered is largely affected and even in today’s economy, the old adage, “You get what you pay for” is as true now as it ever was during the times of plenty. So be careful when you browse the net in search of cheap phone sex and if an offers seems too good to be true, it probably is! You see, the business fundamentals in the phone sex industry are the same as all other industries. In order to thrive, a company needs to be competitive so prices are always an issue, but the quality of the product must be such that when a purchase is made, the satisfaction will be rated highest. The key is to offer a product (a service in my case) that customers love (callers love my phone sex girls) can afford and still make a profit.
I have been the owner of several phone sex lines for over 15 years and in that time I have seen countless phone sex start-ups come and go. Some failed because frankly they stunk, whilst others never made it because their “cheap phone sex” were so cheap that they were loosing money from the beginning.
As a business owner, I have five priorities:
- My customers must love what I give them
- My phone sex girls must love what they do
- My girls must work in a safe and secure environment
- My girls must never wake in the morning worrying whether they will still have their job a the end of the day because of bad business practices, including ridiculously cheap phone sex rates
- I must see a return on my investment
For these simple reasons, I have been in the business of providing sexual companionship to thousands of satisfied customers and I would love to include YOU in that group as well.
One last thing, whilst researching for this article, I stumbled upon a company that offers cheap phone sex AND a free 4th call as well! Nothing wrong in that is it?